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Monday, July 6, 2009

Do your part in the Green Movement

Have you been buying mineral makeup and as a result ended up with bunch of empty little jars?? Do you just throw them away?

Well hang on to those jars Sister - refill baggies are here!!

I've been thinking - Why buy something you already have, when all you need is a to refill it? So here's a thought ..... refill baggies!!! I'm going to be listing refill baggies in my Bonanzle & Winkelf Stores for all my mineral makeup in the next week or so. This includes any and all eye shadows, blush, multi-taskers, and foundations.

This will not only save you money, but also save the environment with one little jar at a time.

Once you run out of product and have an empty jar, simply purchase a refill baggie & pour it into your empty jar - simple as that! What a great concept, don't you think?

As for the pricing, well I havn't quite worked it out .. so I can't give any details on that as of yet.

Now you can add this to the list of things you reuse & recycle.

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