This is one of my first products!! I am very excited as I am in the works of creating a line of mineral makeup, amongst other things. The line is going to be called " Forget Me Not".
After sitting around for weeks, trying to come up with a catchy name, and researching how to pick a name for a cosmetic line, it finally came to me. Forget Me Not is this little blue flower ( I will post pics of my logo in another blog) that spreads like crazy! I just remeber my grandmothers garden being filled with foget me nots. As a child, I remeber how much I loved those little blue flowers. So I figured, not only is it sentimental to me, but it also fits as a name for a cosmetic line. So I think!! hahaha
Now the hard part is the product. I don't want to invest a forture to start up, and just want to start out small. It's hard though to peak peoples interest, when you only have a few products. Which is where I am stuck!!! Do I just go for it and invest a bunch of money. To me that's almost going into it blindly, which is something I have a hard time with. I want to test out the waters first, make sure this is something I can do and able to do. Then launch a full line. Ok, so I just rambled on and missed the point. hahah So how do I get people interested in the few products that I do have??
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